Crossword Clues: The Significance of ‘Connections Hint’ in NYT Puzzles

Luiggi Trejo
3 min readApr 9, 2024
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

“Connections Hint” refers to a popular puzzle featured in The New York Times (NYT) crossword section. This particular clue often appears in crossword puzzles to indicate a word or phrase that shares some thematic or conceptual link with the clue’s answer.

The “Connections Hint” serves as a subtle guide for crossword enthusiasts, nudging them towards identifying words or phrases that share a common thread with the solution to the clue. This thread could be based on synonyms, antonyms, wordplay, or thematic associations.

For example, if the clue is “Feline pet,” the answer might be “CAT.” In this case, the “Connections Hint” could be “Meow” or “Purr,” offering a subtle clue related to the world of cats.

The inclusion of the “Connections Hint” in crossword puzzles serves as a delightful twist that elevates the solving experience to new heights. By providing a subtle clue related to the theme or concept of the answer, this hint injects an additional layer of intrigue and challenge into the puzzle-solving process. Here’s a deeper exploration of how the “Connections Hint” enhances the crossword-solving experience:

  • Promoting Creative Thinking: The “Connections Hint” prompts solvers to think outside the box and explore unconventional connections between the…

