High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies

Luiggi Trejo
3 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by Adam Nowakowski on Unsplash

“Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies,” published in 1996 and authored by Larry Connors and renowned trader Linda Raschke, stands as a cornerstone in the realm of futures trading literature. This 245-page manual encapsulates twenty-five years of combined trading experience, presenting readers with a treasure trove of insights into some of the most effective trading strategies.

At the heart of the book lies the concept of swing trading, which Linda Raschke credits as the backbone of her success. Beyond just an introduction to swing trading, readers are privy to advanced techniques previously undisclosed to the public, providing a deeper understanding of how to navigate this style of trading with finesse.

Among the strategies unveiled within the pages of the book is an intraday news strategy, particularly valuable for traders operating in bond and currency markets. This approach capitalizes on the release of 8:30 am economic reports, allowing traders to exploit herd behavior for profitable gains.

Pattern recognition is another key theme explored in the book, with Larry and Linda sharing some of the most potent short-term setup patterns available. Moreover, they detail how these patterns can be seamlessly integrated with other strategies to identify and capitalize on explosive market…

