You have nothing to lose, so you can become rich.
The time to execute your big idea is now
You are young.
You are inexperienced.
You don´t have any money.
If that is you, then congratulations! You stand by far the best chance to become rich.
You have an advantage that no amount of education nor money can give you:
You can´t lose.
You can´t lose your job.
You can´t lose your house.
You can´t lose the rat race, because you are not in yet.
And it´s true: nearly all fortunes acquired by entrepreneurs arose because they had almost nothing to lose.
Not knowing that something can´t be done, you are likely to enter into the danger zone. Where others don´t dare to go because they fear that “looser status” you can joyful explore.
The Musks. The Jobs. The Bezzos. They all had done precisely that.
The problem here is that is so very easy, looking from today to the past, to say: “Had I lived thru the dot-com-era, I could be the creator of Amazon (or eBay or whatever)”.
But standing right here and now, is not-so-easy to look into the future and try to ideate and build the next big thing. Maybe there is a crystal ball where I can see if my idea will have the success it deserves?
I don´t know if such an artifact exists. But I can offer you a recipe that somewhat gets used time and again: you can always make a better, or easier, product (or service) offering, similar to those already on existence.
- Google wasn´t the first (it was Yahoo!)
- The iPhone wasn´t the first (it was Blackberry)
- And before Facebook, we already had MySpace (now defunct, I think)
When you don´t have anything to lose is far easy for you to devote the time and the effort to execute that big idea of yours. So the time is now.